The Compass
Let the Compass guide you to the appropriate service according to your needs:
Our services

Info-Alpha is a unique adult education support and reference service in Quebec for anyone wishing to improve their reading and writing skills.
Skills Improvement – Reading – Writing – Numeracy – Confidential – Adult

Adult Learnline is the reference in Quebec for adults looking for information on how to go back to school or undertake training.
Find an education – Back to school – Confidential – All ages
Our initiatives
Over the years, we have developed various services to support you in your francization and literacy efforts within your community and at work.

The Gift of Reading
The Gift of Reading is a program from the Literacy Foundation. It’s aim is to offer a new book to children aged 0-12, living in underpriveleged areas thoughout Quebec, in order to assist in preventing reading and writing difficulties which often lead to illiteracy and dropping out of school.

The Go Getters’ Bursaries
These are bursaries which are given to highlight the perseverance and determination of adults who have successfully completed a literacy or basic training process, in collaboration with the Desjardins Foundation.

Alpha Bursary
The Alpha Bursaries, which are intended to reward an innovative project in basic education or literacy, with the aim of increasing the literacy levels in Quebec’s population.

Our events
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