Reading tips and tricks

Small daily gestures to introduce your child to the joy of reading

Read with your child for a few minutes each day. Gradually increase the reading time.

Invite your older children to read to their younger siblings.

Encourage your child to read street names, store names, posters, flyers, the back of cereal boxes – everything around them.

Visit your local library every week. It is full of treasures!

0 à 5 years

Make the reading come alive

When you read to your child, especially if they can’t read yet, bring the story to life by singing or miming parts of it, by changing your voice to match the characters, and by using a variety of creative approaches. By letting your imagination run wild, you’ll encourage your child to do the same later.

Happiness is in the repetition

Reread your children’s favorite stories often. Not only do they love them but hearing familiar words and seeing them in print often helps them develop their vocabulary and, in time,become good readers. This will help them succeed in school. 

Find more tips and tricks in Naître et grandir’s article, The Benefits of Reading.

6 à 12 years

Read together every day. Take turns reading to each other or read your own books side by side.

9 to 12 years

The practical side of things

Encourage reading activities that come up in everyday life: reading the TV schedule to choose a show, video game manuals to understand how to play, the grocery store flyer, movie times and anything your child can get their hands on. Discovering the practical side of reading will give your child the extra motivation they need to continue learning.

Make reading part of the family, regardless of age!

A climate that makes a difference

Create an atmosphere that makes your family members want to read and have fun with books. It’s all about finding your own ways to keep books in your home, to make them more accessible and to create an atmosphere that makes reading fun.

Here is a bank of ideas to explore:

Leave books in unexpected places such as the car, bathroom, lunchbox, patio, and purse to encourage children’s contact with books, and entertain them when they have to wait.

Store books and magazines for all tastes and ages in lively and attractive ways: in a colorful bookcase with sorted and in a location chosen by the children (in a basket in the backyard or in a pretty chest in the living room).

Set up a comfortable and attractive reading nook or nooks at home where reading time will be associated with relaxation and comfort.

Give the gift of books to each other as a family.

Organize family outings to the library where everyone can choose books.

Establishing a daily ritual

Read for pleasure every day with your child. As a toddler, they listen to the sound of your voice, look at the pictures and colours. As they get older, they still enjoy being told stories and can now participate in reading. Encourage discussions with your child before, during and after reading.

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