Information session: “The education system in Quebec”
An educational presentation offered in person and virtually, in the form of a webinar.
Info-Alpha and Adult Learnline offer an information session to provide information to the general public, and in particular newcomers, about the education system in Quebec, in addition to supporting them in their academic integration.
For several years now, our professionals have offered presentations to the clientele of various community organizations and educational institutions.
The Quebec education system presented from A to Z
The presentation entitled “The education system in Quebec” aims to demystify the structure of this unique school system in North America. It also aims to understand the different levels of education in addition to presenting to participants all the possible options to prepare for a return to school according to their situation and personal needs. Participants will be invited, throughout the session, to ask questions and share their experiences to maximize understanding.

The presentation will cover the following topics:
Vocational and technical training;
College and university level education;
Comparative assessment of studies carried out outside Quebec;
Recognition of acquired learning and skills;
Student financial aid;
Distance learning.
A complete and relevant information session for those planning a return to school
This presentation is intended for community organizations, educational institutions and their clientele, particularly newcomers and Canadians from outside Quebec who immigrate to La Belle Province.
The information session is available in person or virtually, as a webinar.

Would you like to offer this presentation to your students?
If you are in charge of a community organization or an educational institution or a teacher or stakeholder in these settings and would like to offer your students a comprehensive presentation on the Quebec education system, please submit the application form below!
Do not hesitate to contact us:
Services Team
Ext. 3