Alpha Bursary – 2025 edition

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Call for Projects for the Alpha Bursary – $5,000

No funding will be granted for the following types of projects:

  • For-profit projects
  • Research projects
renouvellement de l’espace informatique du CEP de l’Estrie
Step 1: Submit Your Application

You can access the participation form by clicking the button below.

Include a project description (maximum 5,000 characters) and a preliminary budget.

Step 2: Project Evaluation

The Literacy Foundation will review the submitted projects in the weeks following the contest closing date. A jury composed of three members from different backgrounds will evaluate all applications received. During its evaluation, the jury will prioritize projects that are:

  • Realistic
  • Capable of inspiring other community organizations
renouvellement de l’espace informatique du CEP de l’Estrie

Step 3: Results

The Foundation will contact the project leader of the winning application in early March 2025. Media activities will be organized afterward.

For any questions, please contact:

Slimane Saidj

Head of Services

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