Frequently Asked Questions

Why give books to children?
It is acknowledged that early contact with written language is the key factor for academic success and perseverance in reading. In other words, the earlier children are put in contact with books, the better their relationship with reading will be throughout their life. Enjoying reading helps you do better in school.
one donation – one book – one child
Through this gesture, you can share the joys of reading with a child who may not be lucky enough to be in contact with books and reading.
Why not accept used books?
For an underprivileged child, this book is often the first new book they receive! The child appreciates the value of a new book all the more, especially in a context where this book was chosen especially for them by an unknown donor.
Do you have used books to donate? Contact us so we can redirect you to organizations that will take them.
How are the books distributed?
The Foundation targets the most disadvanteged establishments in each region, in particular by using the Socio-Economic Environment Index (IMSE), calculated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The groups of recipient children are then chosen according to the availability of books according to age group and in such a way as to ensure equitable distribution. The books are always distributed to a group of children, for example a class, so as not to stigmatize the most underprivileged children in the group.
What are cash donations used for?
The funds raised are used for the purchase of books and the logistics of the program, including the costs for shipping the books to the children.
How to select a children’s book to donate?
Please make sure your book respects the following criteria:
- new;
- intended for children aged 0 to 12;
- in French or in English;
- fun and conveys the joys of reading.
Here are some ideas: Comic books, picture books, hardback or laminated books, short novels, books on animals or insects.. La Sélection de livres pour jeunes de Communication-Jeunesse can guide you in choosing a new children’s book. Booksellers, librarians and publishers can also advise you.
Which books are not suitable for the program?
sThese include:
- books for teenagers (13 years old);
- books on a controversial subject, sad, religious or sexual topics;
- activity or educational books;
- the second volume or subsequent volumes of a series for which the first volume must have been read to understand the plot.